Renato Toso, Noti Massari & Associati

collections Ecos | Infinita

Design is a family matter

Renato Toso was born in 1940 in Murano.
Giovanna Noti Massari was born in 1939 in Venice.

The Renato Toso, Noti Massari & Associati studio was founded in 1966 from the partnership between the Murano Renato Toso and Noti Massari, who would eventually be joined by their children Anna, Marco, Pio and Tito

Both graduated in architecture in Venice and married in 1968.

Toso and Noti Massari possess an authentic passion for the creative process and design methodology. They dealt with projects in the field of architecture, furniture, renovation and design. Their relationship with Leucos is not only professional but also sentimental, as they participated in its foundation. Leucos is actually the result of their passion, nurtured and experienced since childhood in the glassworks of Tosos’s father (Fratelli Toso), where tiles, glasses, objects, lamps and modular elements were designed. In the architecture sector, they designed the school center of Scandolara (TV), carried out some renovations in the old town of Venice and created exhibition spaces and pavilions for different companies (including the Leucos headquarters in Scorzè).
Since 2002 they have been operating in East Africa and Tanzania at the request of the Benedictine monks of the Camaldoli Community, planning three monasteries in Mafinga, Dar es Salaam and Karatu (Ngorongoro).
In the field of design, they have collaborated with several companies: from industrial inlays to upholstered furniture, from home furnishings to fabrics, as well as lighting fixtures and glass objects.  Cattelan Italia, Estel, Henry Lloyd, Ferro Murano, Formica, Alpi e Artemide, Foscarini, Leucos, Vistosi are just a few.
For Vistosi, in 2007 they created Ecos, the series of modular lamps with glass rings of different colors and textures.
In 2013, Noon, the collection with soft lines in glossy white glass inspired by the lunar phases, was launched.

They have taken part in numerous conferences and exhibitions. At the invitation of the Order of Architects, they have given presentations on design at the Veneto University and the Art Institute of Venice, Castelfranco Veneto, Longarone and Treviso. Among their exhibitions: solo exhibitions at Cavallino, Palazzo Grassi and Querini Stampalia in Venice; group exhibitions at the Louvre Museum in Paris, at MOMA and at Corning Glass in New York.

2000 First prize at the national competition Tercas architecture 14th edition
2004-2005 Selection I.Dot 2004-2005
2005 First prize in the Young & design competition
“Interzum-Kohl” Award, “IBD-Award-USA”
First prize for the lighting project “Il cielo in una stanza”.
First prize at the Venice Biennale
First prize at the XII Triennale di Milano
First prize at the National Competition on Design in Trieste
Andrea Palladio Award
Two selections at the Corning Glass Museum in New York
Three selections at the “Compasso d’Oro dell ‘ADI”
Selection for the “IIDA Award” (International Interior Design Association)

Products made for Vistosi

Typologies in Home





Typologies in Home





Interview with the designers

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