Year: 2018
Interior designer: Viktoria Bankov
Photographer: Märt Lillesiim

To better explain this project we interviewed interior design Viktoria Bankov.

You look very young Victoria, for how many years has your studio been running? Do you only deal with interior design?
I’ve been doing interior design for over 10 years. In the second year of university I started working as a product designer to gain experience and learn how to communicate with customers. I designed kitchen furniture and bathroom furniture. This experience gave me an understanding of how design processes work.

Where did your special interest in interior design come from?
The interest comes from my childhood, although at that time I didn’t think about it in this context. When I was 10 years old, I used to play with dolls and create the furniture of their house with paper. I cut out mats and blankets from my mother’s clothes and then used them in my creations.

What is your approach to interior design?
I think beauty is found in simplicity. Luxurious objects can’t be together in a single interior.

What are your strengths?
Whatever style the interior is, it should be comfortable to live in. Therefore, I always think very carefully about the layout.

Which artist do you feel closest to in relation to what you are currently trying to express?
That’s not so easy to answer … some things I like from an artist, some things from another … but there is still no one to whom I feel particularly close.

What kind of projects are you open to in the field of design?
I want to challenge myself in the design of objects. It will probably be a piece of furniture, a fabric or a lamp.

How do you see the future of your profession?
That’s a very complicated question. Due to the availability of information, everything develops very quickly, including design. Where this wealth of information will lead, no one knows. Some say that the of interior design profession won’t exist in the future. It’s said that the consumer will try to create their own interior according to the images of Pinterest and Instagram… But it may also never come true. What I am proud to say is that right now, professional interior designers are in high demand.

So your project in Estonia, what does it deal with?
It’s a private 4 bedroom apartment on the Baltic Sea with a wonderful view.

I’d like to know what the building shell is like so as to understand how the interiors relate to the style of the building that contains them.
I was inspired by the architecture of the building itself and its proximity to the sea. The building was designed to give it a very soft and smooth appearance. The style is close to the works of Karim Rashid, far from the style of Estonian architecture.

In that work you’ve chosen to include glass in the design. What attracts you to this material?
Since the apartment is located near the sea, I wanted to focus on the theme of water and combine the outside with the inside. I like to use glass in my interior projects. It gives a feeling of lightness and airiness.

Did the view of that beautiful apartment take you back to Venice, the birthplace of the Vistosi brand?
This is a really great coincidence. Venice is a very romantic and maritime city, much the same as the interior of this apartment.

Why did you choose Vistosi?
Diadema by Vistosi is a very light and airy system with flowing elements. It fits perfectly into our marine-themed interior with soft shapes, so the choice just had to be Vistosi. I had absolutely no doubts about it.









Romani Saccani Architetti Associati


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