Quality Policy Statement

The management of VETRERIA VISTOSI srl, driven by the desire to demonstrate the company’s ability to regularly supply the market with products that meet the requirements, as well as to

has decided to adapt and operationalise its Quality Management System according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 starting from the commitment to the pursuit and application, with the cooperation of all parties, of the following principles, guidelines and requirements:

• defining and upholding the roles, authority and responsibilities of the personnel involved in the company;
• promotion and adoption of effective internal and external communication by the company;
• staff involvement and awareness;
• systematic customer orientation and understanding of their needs/requirements and expectations in terms of
of products and supplies;
• promotion within the organisation of the ‘process approach’ from a PDCA and ‘risk based thinking’ perspective;
• integration of quality requirements within business processes;
• planning, provision and utilisation, within the processes, of suitable, qualified and appropriate to the relevant needs, as well as effective;
• promotion within the company of the effectiveness of the Quality Management System and continuous improvement;
• systematically defining, planning, issuing and reviewing corporate Quality Objectives;

• health and safety at work;
• fire-fighting;
• protection of personal data;
• environmental protection;
• product safety;

that may influence (directly or indirectly) the effectiveness of work/manufacturing processes and/or affect product conformity;

• monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation (on processes, products and customer satisfaction);
• internal audits;
• periodic management reviews of the Quality Management System;

• management of non-conformities;
• handling of Customer Complaints;
• management of Reliefs and/or Improvement Reports;
• management of Corrective Actions and/or any initiative aimed at improving activities, resources and/or

with respect to business needs in order to achieve:

On the basis of these commitments, the Executive Directorate (DG) proposes to:

• commercial process;
• procurement process;
• design/development process;
• production process;
• shipping process;

• warehouse process;
• QMS management process;
• management processes.